Thursday, June 13, 2013

Let the body do the talking

I have now been rehearsing the female piece of "Aziche" with Jazzart for about a week now. Today at the end of rehearsal we performed the completed piece in costume for the male dancers, the teachers, and the company administration. So we had a small audience in the studio to help the performance aspect of the piece instead of just focusing on choreography for ourselves in the mirror.

I received a comment afterwards from one of the teachers who said "The only time the color of your skin doesn't stand out is when you're dancing" ....

I think that comment goes along pretty well with what I wrote about yesterday, that dance is this universal language that we all speak. It's not the pointed feet or the triple pirouettes or the height of your jete or even the color of your skin. It's the way you portray you're story through dancing that keeps us all connected.

Being the only white dancer of a group of colored dancers was at first an  intimidating task for me. I was nervous that the color of my skin would be what brought a dragging eye or distraction from the audience's attention. I want my dancing to speak for itself, thats all an artist ever really wants.

Goodnight Cape Town,


  1. Keep up the beautiful work, I can hear you dance from here........

  2. Hi Annie, what a beautiful experience that must be for you. Keep dancing
